Sunday, January 13, 2008

There are many different problems in the United States today. Some are big problems and some are things that can be settled in some months or years. One problem in the United States today is immigration. There should be a fence made on the border of Mexico and the U.S.
There has been a big debate if immigration should be allowed or not. There is also a great debate if a big fence should be constructed along the border of Mexico and the U.S. Many Mexicans sneak into the U.S. each day and they have babies in our country so later in the future they will be able to permanently live in the United States. They do this to have a better life and more money because Mexico is not providing them with that. It is not fair that they should come in illegally and collect a portion of our money and go back home to Mexico with it. A construction of a fence should be made to keep the Mexicans who try to came in out. This might make some things better. The money that they take back home with them will still be in our economy. Then the money would just go back to us so we will have more money in our pockets. They will not take up a lot of construction jobs anymore.
It is alright if they come in legally, but everything should be done to keep them from coming in illegally. Weather they have to put snipers on roofs, they should do as much as they can. Some people say that Mexicans coming in illegally increases the crime rate. With a regular fence being built they will still be able to dig a deep hole under or something. So because of this a huge electrical fence that goes ten feet into the ground should be built. This will definitely do the job to keep most of them out. More jobs will be open to those who are in America legally and don’t have jobs. This would also not let them to be able to come around the ninth month and try to have their babies in the U.S.
If Mexicans are allowed to come over without passports then you never know what might happen in the future. They are going to just keep coming and coming and have more babies and before we know it the majority of this country will be Mexicans. It will be harder for people to find jobs. There is already a job problem in the U.S. and the problem does not need to be made any larger. The country might even be flooded with way too much people. Also with some government officials saying that illegal immigration leads to crime, if the fence is not built there will be way too much crime. If illegal immigrants want to stay in the U.S. they should pay a certain fee for a certain amount of years.
People should not cross the border illegally just for a better life, they should pay some type of money. Building an electrical fence can help keep them out. This would make the economy have more money and the population will be kept stable.


Vanessa Torres said...

nice report it has a lot of information and details added in.

~Luis Ortiz~ said...

nice essay said...

Well done Kenny. Job opportunities and crime are two great points which greatly help your argument.
